Murder Princess takes place in the kingdom of Forland. A man named Dr. Akamashi leads a coup against the royal family. The only survivor, Princess Alita, fleas the castle and soon runs into an infamous bounty hunter named Falis. The two plummet off a cliff and just as they are about to die their souls switch places. Now Princess Alita is in the body of Falis and Falis is in the body of Alita. Alita begs Falis to save her kingdom and even offers her entire being to the bounty hunter. Falis agrees and she and her partners rush to Alita's castle.
The first thing I would like to mention about this show is the colorful cast of characters. They aren't all human. In fact I would say that most of the main characters in the show aren't humans. For instance Falis's partners Dominikov and Pete are monsters and the two little girls who work for Dr. Akamashi are androids. Of course the human characters left a strong impact on me.
Falis is a badass, but at the same time she has her weaknesses. For instance she's protective of Princess Alita. At first I thought it was simply because the girl was in her body, but she doesn't mention wanting it back until late in the show. Princess Alita on the other hand seemed a bit strange to me. She's a cool character, but I found it surprising that she would willingly give up everything, then again her love of her kingdom and it's people may have outweighed her wants.
The only drawback is the length of the show. It ends at six episodes, but the show could have easily been longer. Monica Rial, the voice of Princess Alita, actually mentions this during the commentary for the sixth episode.
So with that I recommend the show. It's fun and certainly worth checking out. Again I wish it was longer, but maybe it's for the best. They told a complete story here and they ended it before it got repetitive. The characters are fun, but I wish they did more with them. An origin story would have been cool as well. If this show sounds fun to you guys then you can watch it dubbed and subbed at FUNimation's website.